Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Gif bouquet gui

She shaped what we wore for many years and placed Topshop firmly on the fashion map so we can't wait to see what she is going to do at Whistles.
Despite once being a hot shop for fashion fans it slumped slightly throughout the nineties but all that's about to change. This Posey Bouquet Dress (140) is my current personal favourite item at Whistles.
The fifties style tea dress is perfect for Autumn. It takes the floral palette but makes it slightly darker. This month's Vogue sees the dress teamed with grey ribbed knee high socks for an edgier, younger look.

Source link: http://uk.fashion.popsugar.com/1841371

After winning caps for Scottish schools and the under 19s, Hamish Martin was looking forward to a successful rugby career until a chance encounter with a portly opponent in 1990 changed the young army officer cadet's life irrevocably.
'I just went straight in, the guy had tackled me, he had one leg (of mine) but I thought I could break free and carry on, but he was a small stout man and he was not going to let go and my leg just snapped.'
After suffering plenty of injuries, including a punctured kidney, Martin thought little of the accident at the time.
Source link: http://www.theherald.co.uk/business/news/display.var.2415891.0.PODCAST_INTERVIEW_Enjoying_lifes_rich_bouquet.php


Staircases with tiles

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Screen pop ups

7 stuffed horse

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